The Yatra Center

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Never Travel Over to the Enemy Line

In The Bhagavad Gita, an ultimate battle is to take place. A battle between good and bad – a battle of our own mind – a battle of faith – a battle that not one of us should ever lose.   On one side of the battlefield, representing the pure and good, is the warrior Arjuna and God himself, represented as Krishna. On the other side of the battlefield is the sons of “blindness” and wicked ways, representing our bad habits, our fears, our internal worries and misguided thoughts and ways.  On the eve of the battle, Arjuna begs Krishna to take him over in his chariot to inspect his enemy line. He wants to know who is there, what they have and what to expect. Krishna tries to tell him this is not a good idea – but Arjuna is adamant. He wants to see. So off they went. And just as Krishna warned – it was not a good idea at all.  The moment Arjuna saw the other side he panicked. He became riddled in fear. He felt inadequate, weak and frightful. He saw faces he could not believe were there. He saw more weapons, more soldiers, a stronger army to fight. The only thing he gained by looking at the other side – was a lower belief in himself, conflicting emotions, confusing compassion with attachment, and of course tangles of fear.  Arjuna became so lost on what the competition had – he was unable to see all the blessings and skills he possessed. He had even forgotten he had the ultimate source of power – he had God himself riding in his chariot with him. Oh how quickly we can forget our blessings – when we are peering into the yards of others – adding up all our inadequacies, measuring ourselves in fruit less comparisons – or peering over with angered judgements or seeing things with tainted delusions.   The truth is this…..It is irrelevant what others have, say or do when determining your success or development of your own greatness. The only thing that is relevant is who you are, what you believe in, what works for you, and how you should behave. You have to focus on your own skills (often times very different than others), ways in which you can offer goodness to the world, how you can be a service to others, how you can develop your own character. It is irrelevant what others are doing – when you are developing your own authentic plan, your own secured personal belief system.   

Everyday you will face competition, you will face others that appear to have more, you will face others that judge you or even have unwarranted irritations or anger with you.  You will see it on Instagram, at school, at the office, even in your own family dynamics. We can quickly start to feel less than or irritated or even more dangerous “full of ego and better than”, if we are not aware of ourselves peering into other’s fields.   When we look at others to determine how we should be behaving or thinking or reacting – we lose sight of authenticity We have to be learn to be fully responsible for ourselves – regardless of how others act. My favorite line is this…….”Just because someone else acts like an a**hole – doesn’t give you the right to act like one too”.  There are fields and fields and fields of other people’s worlds surrounding you. But if you busy yourself studying their “plans”, or feeling agitations with what they have, or what they say or do – you will lose focus on the development of your own greatness. 

You have all you need within you.  It is irrelevant what others have. Your success is fully within your own being because it is specific to you!  And if you let faith and Divine lead you – even blindly into the unknown future – you will stay connected to the greatest power you shall ever need.   Trust in your passion. Trust in your belief. Trust in the gifts you have to give to the world. Trust that you are unique. Trust in your destiny, even if you cannot see it today.  Trust in your own story, even if they future paragraphs feel unknown. Trust in your ability to serve, love and be truthful and kind. Trust in your greatness. Trust in your blessings to come.  What others are doing – is irrelevant to your story. Close your eyes and hear the whisper of God….”I am in the chariot with you – what on earth do you have to fear”. Stop looking at other people’s fields.  Your field has all you shall ever need. Focus on your field and you will feel all the blessings pulsating in the now and all those blessings in process to come.