The Yatra Sisters Podcast



Take Your A$$ Home

The external world is a crazy place that operates on fear. Its mantra is ‘You Are Not Enough, Or You Don’t Have Enough’. Sometimes we get so caught up in the external world that we forget to go back home and connect to our internal world. In this world, there are no opinions, judgements, rights nor wrongs. It’s just being free to be you, and meditation is the key that unlocks the door. Grab and friend and listen in a we talk about meditation Yatra Sister Style.


Why do we obsess over? We read books about it and can spend a lifetime searching for it without the guarantee of finding it. Have you ever asked yourself, What's My Purpose In Life? Am I Living In My Purpose? What Is Purpose?

𝓡𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓑𝓛𝓤𝓔𝓢

America is going through a seismic energy shift right now. Never have so many voices rise in unison to be heard and never before have those that are underrepresented; minorities, women, working and lower class, and LGBTQ not only have the freedom to speak, but they are doing so loudly. America has the blues which means WE ALL are experiencing the blues in some way shape or form.

Put It In My BOX

Now that you've UNBOXED yourself (UNBOX Me Podcast) it's time to Put It (intentional things) back In Your BOX! Too often we allow others to put whatever they want inside our boxes and it's often things that are hurtful or just not good for us. But guess what??? We can put good things inside of our own boxes. We can choose what our box should have inside of it. Fill it with things that we like and want! So, grab a friend and let's talk about ways that we can put good things inside of our box and other boxes as well.


Get out of the box! We often live in boxes that are now too small, boxes that someone else put us inside, boxes that we've chosen for ourselves. Sometimes when life is getting overwhelming, you just want to scream... UNBOX ME! I don't belong in here and no longer want to be in here. Join us as we talk about why we are often inside a box and how we can get out... if we want to.


I’m Worth... ALOT!!!

Self-Worth - We often attach it to external factors when in fact our self-worth begins with us! We are the ones who determine our worth and we all are worth ALOT! What one deems is worth may be different from another but because is different, doesn't mean it isn't valuable. What is your self-worth to you? Have you ever given it much thought? Grab a friend and let's talk about it.


Permission... Granted!

Giving ourselves permission to say YES, is often easy to do. In many cases we are saying yes to something that is fun or will help us feel good about ourselves or help others feel good. So why is it so hard to give ourselves permission to say NO? And when we do, why does guilt and shame often follow? Grab a friend, listen in and let's talk about it.


This Is Bullsh%t

Sometimes in life, you’ll encounter BS. Getting old is sometimes BS. Transitioning from one thing to another can feel like BS. Even our relationships can encounter BS moments. So how do we know when to examine the BS, walk away from it, wake-up from getting slapped in the face with BS? Grab a friend and listen in.


What Are You Waiting For - JUMP.

As a kid, jumping into the unknown / unfamiliar is fun and exciting! But what happens when we JUMP into the unknown / unfamiliar as an adult? What happens when we should jump but for fear and other reasons we don't? Why don't we jump?
Grab a friend and listen in. Let's talk about it.

What does it mean to Faithfully Fail?

What does it mean to Faithfully Fail? I thought I knew until this Podcast. Right after this podcast I found myself in a moment of EPIC failure! So not only is this a podcast about how to handle failure in a healthy and logical way, but it also came with an IMMEDIATE teaching moment for me. Please check out our FB Page @ Yatra Sisters to get the complete story. Then get ready for Part II.


Riddle - We all know at least one and we can also be one. What is it? An A$$HOLE.

Whether we are being one or in the space of someone who is one, it's important to know how to deal with an Asshole.

UNTIL (dot! dot! dot!)

Until can be a beautiful place holder in your life UNTIL you are ready. I will do this UNTIL it no longer serves me/us. I need to take a step back UNTIL. I'm not in a good space to continue this conversation so UNTIL... Don't rush your UNTILS. They allow the space you need to take a break, take a breath and flow.


You Can’t Be Anything You Want To Be

Truth is Freedom, and freedom allows us to fly and soar to heights greater than we've ever known. Even though you can't be Anything you want to be, you can be Who you want to be and that's true authentic power! We're all born with a specific purpose to fulfill our Dharma (our Truth). Grab a friend and tune in to learn more about your Dharma and how it affects your life.

The Costumes We Wear

Halloween isn't the only time we wear costumes. In fact, I bet you are wearing a few of them right now and may not even know it. Wearing costumes isn't a bad thing. They are quite necessary. But what happens when the costume no longer fits or serve us, or we want to take it off but are afraid or don't know how. Grab a Friend, Tune In, and Find Out!!!

My Boobie Bootyful Body

Beautiful Souls. If you have Boobies, Booty and or a Body you MUST listen to this podcast! We go deep undercover to discuss what Self Love is and how you can share it with others! Grab a friend and Listen In!



If you've ever Broken Up with someone you love or cared for... This Podcast is for you, my friend. A breakup hurts even the toughest of us. Sometimes it's hard to recover, but just because it's hard, doesn't mean it's impossible. Let's Talk About It!

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