Private Session and
Muscle imbalance release appointments
Every body is different - yes our bodies are different too. Any time we begin a new movement or practice it is helpful to have some one on one training. In your private session you will learn the terms, understand "why", how your specific body works, modifications and how to enter and exit a posture. One session tremendously helps!
Our bodies are composed of both length and strength muscles. Muscle imbalances occur when a muscle is not working at its most efficient performance or is not firing as its primary purpose. When a strength muscle becomes weak, the length muscle will become tight (acting as a strength muscle, instead of its purpose as length) and create a compromised system. When muscles are imbalanced, alignment is affected, pain is usually felt and overall fatigue and discomfort arrives. In a muscle imbalanced session, Allison will access which muscles are firing incorrectly and assist you in re-training the system. Her hands on approach can many times bring you immediate relief by releasing the tension in the overworked muscle and reset the proper muscle alignment. Trained in Anatomy and addressing muscle imbalances in Milan, Italy, her knowledge is not only anchored in the biomechanics of the body, but in the simple art of healing. Allison has brought hundreds of clients relief from nagging pain in the body! Clients have included Olympic Athletes, Surgeons, Cyclists, Runners and every day people who have found a nagging pain that lingers - no matter what they have tried.
Areas of specialties:
Lower Back Pain
Neck Pains
Shoulder Pains
Hip Flexors
Private Sessions are also perfect for those desiring to understand the Brilliance of the practice, or needing to heal from an acute or chronic injury, or needing modifications or simply desiring a private time to heal more than the body and receive guidance both internally and externally. You may just need some meditation and yin or you may just need to hear Allison’s voice in your own class to grant you reassurance and faith. A private session is all about you - and exactly what you need!
Group private sessions are also available - and a wonderful way to bond as one - with beautiful movements and inspirational words.
Cost: $125
Private Lessons and Master Teachings
On your personalized journey you will have six appointments with just you and Allison Cross ERYT500, Minister, CHLC. You will have time to talk about what is going on today, difficulties you are experiencing, where you want to be and who you want to be. You will have time to let go of the emotions, so you will have energy and ability to learn. In addition there will be interactive personality tests, a healing meditation designed to release old unattended wounds, anatomy lessons explaining how your body works and how the postures work, the principles of meditation and how to embrace the desired life that is simple, basic and free! You will have a mentor, a guide, someone who cares deeply for you everyday! This is truly how we take care of ourselves!
Master Sessions can included Yoga Nidra, Chakras, Vayus, Bhagavad Gita, Advanced Sutra Training, Advanced Meditation Techniques, Advanced Text Guidance, Yin
Cost: $650.00
Private Yoga Teacher Training
Our teacher training programs are not just for those wanting to teach. It is for everyone - those who want to teach AND for those that want and need to know more! It is for the student desiring to know the history, the doctrines, the chakras, the anatomy, the pranayama, the way of life and how to embark on the ultimate quest….how to control the mind. In this program you learn about who you are, what your purpose is for, how to organize your perceptions, your memories and how to live a life with less stress and chaos. You will understand the entire body - how the postures work and how yoga works! You can schedule your experience with just Alli and this personal journey will unveil everyday some life changing moments!
Please review the TEACHER TRAINING area of this site for additional information.