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The Yatra Sisters Workshops and Events 2022-2023

Join the movement of bringing mental health accessible to all.  Life is full of absurdities, unknowns and rather interesting outcomes.  Let's choose to feel safe discussing it.  The Yatra Sisters is reshaping how mental health is administered by encouraging open conversations, where truth and vulnerability along with laughter and acceptance is embraced.  Mental Health should not be the responsibility of just the therapists and counselors.  We can all participate because we all have something of value to add to someone else's life.  Mental Health should be supported by everyone in the community.  And when this shift happens, our successes, failures, moods and messy lives become de-stigmatized.


Lower Your Stress -Some Pain Can be Avoided

Stress is defined by how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened. And it increases when we are in a situation that we don't feel we can manage or control. Sherita and Alli have cultivated an eight step action plan to free yourselves from unnecessary pain/stress in one’s life.  It is true, some pain/stress is simply part of life – it is unavoidable – it is part of the journey.  However, some pain/stress and suffering can be eliminated.  Join us in this workshop and learn tangible ways to lighten your load. You will learn how to comprehend the importance of boundaries and expectations, living with purpose, disengaging from unhealthy actions, fine tuning your communication and relationships and learn how to create freedom/space in your mind, body and daily life.  Workshops end with a Live Podcast, where you become part of our conversation, our movement.  When we become educated we want to share with others, learning to be part of solution instead of the problem.  The podcast fuels the excitement and provides an immediate way to begin the process!


This workshop is perfect for workplaces and/or communities desiring to learn how to have the “uncomfortable conversations” from Diversity, Sexual Orientation, Beliefs, Emotions and Mental Health Well Being.  The Yatra Sisters have found a way to explain, embrace and how to accept ourselves by examining the Body Box and the mental contents in the Mind Box.  We will explain the outside of our boxes as the way we were born (race, gender, orientations, nationality ) and the internal contents of our boxes as variables in our mind  (beliefs, preferences, thoughts, memories, emotions and feelings), as well as the non-intentional and intentional data that has been collected and stored inside of our mind boxes.  Our workshop will encourage healthy communication, show both verbal and non-verbal ways to support varying emotions and enhance mental stability in a workplace or community, as well as foster acceptance and embrace diversity.   It is true we are defined by the boxes we check. From sexual orientation, race, gender, occupation, financial status, religion and nationality.  Let’s learn a healthy and positive relationship with our boxes, as well embrace the differences inside our boxes.  Learning to ask the questions to ourselves….What is inside my box?  What are my thoughts, beliefs, choices, opinions, preferences, judgements?   Do I live confined in my box, not exploring beyond my walls?  Do I live in a box that society designed for me, instead of the one I chose?  Do I know the factual physical ingredients of my box (Personality dispositions, body frame, introvert/extrovert)?  In addition, we will look at the interior contents of our box and determine if it has worth or validity.  We will learn the importance of cleaning out our mind boxes and how to be mindful of what we are placing in other people’s boxes via communication and actions.  Workshops end with a Live Podcast, where you become part of our conversation, our movement.  When we become educated we want to share with others, learning to be part of solution instead of the problem.  The podcast fuels the excitement and provides an immediate way to begin the process!

know the whole box

It is one thing to know yourself, the way you work and how you play. But on a team, we must understand not only ourselves but also how everyone and everything else works on the field. Join Sherita and Allison in a team building workshop. Individuals will learn how to communicate, respect and work seamlessly together for the greater good and cause. Our unique approach inspires others to perform to their own best potential, as well as ways to encourage others to rise as one.

Clear the blockages, clear the bullshat

Ever wonder why you believe the things you believe, feel the way you feel or react the way you react? Over the course of your life you have developed both physically and mentally.  Mentally we are  comprehending and mis-comprehending information, knowledge, as well as interactions on a daily basis.   Life is full of relationships that create constant interactions.  From being a co-worker, a leader, a parent, a friend, a partner and in these relationships we often bring our past experiences (right and wrong) into our present.  These cognitive formulas store in our mental database and sometimes creates an inefficient and ineffective way of being.  Join us in this workshop to learn how you collected your thoughts and beliefs developmentally over the years.  You will finally understand how you learned how to view security, how you chose to relate to pleasures, how you gained an ability to love and how you prefer to communicate. And more importantly, you can begin to decide if this is how you want to think today.  This workshop can be conducted in a two hour or four hour series.  After the program you will have found the way to examine your current self with a better understanding and create the freedom to become a healthier and more productive human being. Workshops end with a Live Podcast, where you become part of our conversation, our movement.  When we become educated we want to share with others, learning to be part of solution instead of the problem.  The podcast fuels the excitement and provides an immediate way to begin the process!

put the passion BACK into service

As humans we are all doing time. We are here.  We are experiencing. We are serving. We are learning. We are engaging.  And sometimes this feels dull, boring, unproductive or even like it is too difficult.  But it does not have to always feel this way.  We can learn how to serve, love, experience it all (the good and the bad) and remain vulnerable, content, free and with unbridled faith in our being.  Join us in this workshop to learn how to jump into your life, be more active in your decisions, take a few risks, love more and free yourself from shame and guilt.  But most importantly – learn how to put the PASSION back into SERVICE.   You will learn how to interact with all walks of life with different personalities and perspectives and how to be fearless in experiencing all the spices in life has to offer you.  We can assist you in feeling inclusion instead of isolation,  love instead of abandonment, service to a career without feeling like a servant, and how to handle the emotions even when they change from sunshine to storms.  Workshops end with a Live Podcast, where you become part of our conversation, our movement.  When we become educated we want to share with others, learning to be part of solution instead of the problem.  The podcast fuels the excitement and provides an immediate way to begin the process!